Sunday, June 19, 2016

Edge of Tomorrow - Ending Explanation

Edge of Tomorrow - Ending Explanation time paradox

Edge of Tomorrow - Ending Explanation
Edge of Tomorrow

So, I've read a few explanations online concerning the ending of the movie. However, none of the explanations have explained the fact that in the movie, when Cage woke up in the helicopter on his way to the UDF headquarters, the general appeared on screen and announced that there was a mysterious power surge the night before, incapacitating the mimics. The only explanation I've seen for this is that the Omega was a 4-dimensional creature. However, if the Omega truly were a 4-dimensional creature spanning time, then when it ceases to live it would cease to live across all of time, not just the night before.
I propose a specific timeline and set of mechanics to explain the time of the Omega's death.

Establishing the Days:
  • Day 0: The day the Omega dies
  • Day 1: The day Cage normally wakes up
  • Day 2: The day of Operation Downfall

Proposed Mechanics:

The Network: The movie mentioned that the mimics were part of a large network. What if the Omega was not the highest being on the network? Rather, the Omega was one of many sub-omegas, and their was a Super Omega capable of resetting time for the sake of the sub-omegas.
Identity: Cage does not simply gain the alpha's powers, he becomes the alpha he killed. You'll notice that the alpha Cage killed never shows up on the beach again. Thus, Cage has replaced the alpha. Thus, in terms of the new reset timeline, the alpha he kills ceases to exist and he is the new alpha the moment things restart.
Reset Timing: Whenever a higher organism on the network resets, everything jumps back 24 hours. Thus, Cage jumps backs 24 hours. He does not jump back to the moment he wakes up. Rather, he likely jumps back further into the time where he was asleep in his tased state. Thus, it would be possible for someone's restart point to be a moment when they were wide awake.
The Mimics' Death Process: The normal orange mimics cease to glow the instant they die. However due to their biology, the higher command mimics (e.g. alphas, omegas) don't fully die right away - perhaps not until they've truly bled out. This is supported because, when Cage first kills the alpha, time does not reset until after Cage receives the alpha blood. Cage becomes the alpha; then time resets.
So, here's the theory: Day 1 is both the day that the general first met with Cage and the day before Operation Downfall. When Cage runs the final attack on the Omega, he does it sometime in the night. Thus when he kills and becomes the Omega, it is either late night in Day 1 or early morning in Day 2. At this time, Cage becomes the new Omega. Then, due to the Mimic's Death Process, a Super Omega resets the time - but not until Cage dies. At this point time resets by 24 hours.
Because the mysterious energy surge (the Omega's death) is stated to have occurred on the night of Day 0, we are led to conclude that Cage killed and became the Omega on the night of Day 1. The reason Cage doesn't wake up until his helicopter flight on the morning of Day 1 is that he had been asleep through his flight over the night of Day 0. This allows for both his reset appearing to be on Day 1 and the Omega's death appearing to be on Day 0.
[It will be noted that the earth-based (roughly) 24 hour reset time is a bit convenient for an earth-based movie. Various explanations for this could be offered. For the purpose of this explanation, the 24-hour time can simply be viewed as another intrinsic mechanic of the movie.

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Edge of Tomorrow - Ending Explanation

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