Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Mera for DCEU’s Aquaman 2?

No ones knows for sure but we can only hope it’s…
Emilia Clarke.
There are pros and cons of this casting but I’d argue that the pros far outweigh the cons with the following.
• Emilia Clarke is shorter than most would like, but Amber Heard is only 5 inches taller than Emilia Clarke. Personally, I am not gonna deny Mera an actress who could embody that role just because of height. Special effects and camera angles can easily fix that.
• Emilia and Jason have already played an on-screen couple in one of the worlds most recognizable shows, Game of Thrones. Some fans are worried that when looking at Arthur and Mera you won’t see the dynamic that is DC’s best couple, but that you’ll see another franchise’s couple overshadowing them. I disagree. Just because actors and actresses have other roles they’re famous for doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be cast. If anything, their popularity and reputation as actors should be considered a plus due to their fans helping support the film. I’d agree that some people may see a concern by casting Jason and Emilia seemingly making Aquaman “Game of Thrones Underwater” but this was the same claim people made when Jason was cast as Aquaman years ago in the first place. It’s the same claim people made when Henry Cavil was cast as the Witcher while also playing Superman, so this claim personally doesn’t stand on its own, because Emilia and Jason are great performers no matter their roles.
• Emilia and Jason already have such an amazing connection on and off screen and I believe that energy being brought to Arthur and Mera would not only help convey the relationship and the dynamic between these characters but also cement them as cinema’s powerhouse comic book couple.
• As I stated before Emilia has millions of fans who adore her. Never mind the fact that Emilia is an amazing actress who (as shown by the picture) looks perfect in this role which would only help the success of the movie. She gives Aquaman 2 a breath of fresh air considering the shadow cast by Amber’s legal affairs.
• The biggest aspect of Mera’s character is that she can stand alone. Mera is one of the most powerful women in comics who is not a damsel in distress. Mera needs an actress who can convey her power and tone effortlessly. After Emilia’s performance of Daenerys, she fits that bill perfectly.

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