Thursday, June 30, 2016

Explanation of Hotline Miami 2 story and ending

Hotline Miami 2 Ending Explained

Explanation of Hotline Miami 2 story and ending

In Hotline Miami 1, we play most of the game as Jacket, going through and taking down the mafia, while also dealing with the man in the stores, and his son the kid with the rat mask, who kills you and your girlfriend. Jacket later kills him in prison, then cleans up the rest of the mafia.

However, during the PhoneHom mission were you fight the Biker you win. When time is re-winded to show the Biker's story, it shows him killing Jacket instead. Afterwards Biker confronts the people behind the phone calls, if you have the password to the computer, you unlock the dialog in which they explain their plan, which was to make America stronger and cleaning up the filth.

During the events of Hotline Miami 2, we have multiple cases of stories overlapping in impossible ways, such as the kid with the Rat mask that was killed in Hotline Miami 1, does not stay in jail, and die at the hands of Jacket, that the constant occurrence of the Richard(chicken mask) showing up multiple times with warnings, and the store clerks back story of a small scale war against Russia, he ends up never coming back home to Miami for some reason. Which means Jacket never would have met him, which means Jacket never met the kid.

The rest of the story information isnt critical.
At the very end, you see kid in Hawaii with his mother, suddenly she puts on the Richard mask, and Richard says that you are going to die soon, and that nothing you can do will change it. The kid accepts his fate, and after a few seconds a nuke goes off killing them in Hawaii. Another is detonated in Miami not long after, killing all of the surviving characters. This means nothing you did matters, whether you believe Jacket's, the Biker's, the Mob boss, or the Fan's story. None of it matters as everything is wiped clean in fire and pressure.
TL:DR None of the stories matter, it will all end the same

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