Saturday, June 18, 2016

Mass effect 3 ending explanation

Mass effect 3 ending explanation?

Mass effect 3 ending explanation

The ending is that The Catalyst is reveled to be an AI within the Citadel (perhaps the actual Citadel itself) controlling the Reapers they come every 50,000 years to prevent organics from destroying themselves as in every cycle organics create synthetics and synthetics rise up and destroy organics. The Reapers come to "preserve" organics in a evolutionary form as Reapers to prevent this (why they made a human Reaper in ME2).

This time around as Shepard has proven that he has changed the current cycle by being able to reach the Catalyst therefore he has the choice to Destroy all synthetics (including the Geth and EDI) and risk the cycle repeating again, Control the reapers or merge with the Reapers and evolve all life as a Synthesis.

All three endings involve the destruction of the Citadel and the Mass Relays regardless. How severe the blast is from the crucible depends on you war assets, the very best ending variation of each ending is Earth is saved and the very worst earth is destroyed (and presumably all other planets with a mass relay). If you replay the game with your completed save and chose the "Destroy" ending if your war assets are high enough you get a bonus ending hinting that Shepard is alive at the end

As for the Normandy they were in mid Relay jump when the Crucible fired, the reason why isn't explained (probably trying to outrun the blast) and as the Relays got destroyed the shock wave hit the Normandy in mid jump and it simply crashed on a tropical planet

The last sequence of the old man and the child telling "Shepard's Story" i felt was the only good part of the ending does hint at future DLC and that Mass Effect isn't dead,

Many fans on the Bioware forums are speculating that everything after the point where you are attacked by Harbinger in London is an hallucination, hinting that there may be more endings added to the game or it has the potential to end differently. There is plenty of evidence to support it (many speculate that the bonus ending of Shepard alive is in fact him/her in London amongst the rubble) but i doubt it is true, just fans seeing what they want to see hoping it will be better

The ending was a letdown in my opinion to an other wise amazing game and brilliant franchise. Who knows it may change (i doubt it though)

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