Wednesday, May 27, 2020

End Explanation of Black Mirror: Striking Vipers

End Explanation of Black Mirror: Striking Vipers

Striking Vipers for me, was the best of this ‘not so good’ season. With the 3rd episode being the worst Black Mirror episode ever!
When Karl is at Dany’s home for dinner, he tries to convince Karl that it is the best experience he has ever had and Dany knows it. Although both don’t feel it after their real-life kiss, but can’t deny their chemistry within the game. Both enter into a physical fight and it feels that their virtual relationship is over for good.
Danny’s wife questions him while returning from the police station, he tells her the truth. She also realizes their marriage has been missing the old spark and makes peace with herself that their marriage will never be the same anymore.
But to keep some excitement in their lives, they make a pact that on Danny’s birthday every year (which is the crossed out day in the calendar, more like a cheat day) they will fulfil their desires. While Dany goes online to enjoy his virtual relationship with Karl, Theo goes out to have a one night stand with a stranger. She had confessed to Danny as he had started ignoring her, she almost had an impulse to do it with a stranger. Their marriage is no more the same, but more of a settlement.
This one night of fantasy goes on to show how virtual reality can distort the actual realities of some lives.

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