Thursday, May 28, 2020

Review Sonic The Hedgedog (2020)

Review Sonic The Hedgedog (2020)

That is alright. Basically harmless children's films (not family films, children's films) with nothing creative or surprising. This is a very safe film ... Remade Sonic certainly looks better, but nothing out of the ordinary. Not much in film for old sonic fans. A pair of Green Hill remixes, some chilidogs, Mushroom Hill and not much more. In fact, most of the references to the game are actually in the final credit.

Sonic itself was changed to attract a new younger audience than older fans. Flossing alone makes it very clear. That's still Sonic. They are more focused on the "happy-go-lucky" and "friendship is everything" parts rather than the "past the past" and "freedom against the rebels" sections. He was almost as tense as Kirby.

The plot itself is quite simple and seems to be written for children who won't think too hard about it. It's better if you turn your mind off and watch it for occasional sentimental and funny moments. If you start thinking too hard, you notice that many things happen because the plot needs to move forward, not because it really makes sense. This will help if they haven't shown most of the best parts of the film in the trailer. The rest doesn't really match that.

Overall, I do not regret watching it. That's not a bad movie. I can't see myself going out of my way to watch it again someday. If there is a sequel, I might just watch it because I like to see it all to the end. I will give 7/10. C. solid

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