Monday, May 25, 2020

The Best Mind Bending Movies

The Best Mind Bending Movies

Mind bending films will messes with your mind, in a good way tho. The whole film is a breathtaking juggling act where one can easily forget what’s real and what’s not.
Here are top 10 best mind bending films for me. Read on!
1 Source Code
This movie get straight to the crux of the matter. It feels as if there is no beginning, there is a middle part, and then one of the most gratifying cinematic endings I have ever seen. The movie starts with Colter Stevens, a US military pilot who wakes up on a train to Chicago only to find out that he's in someone else's body. The last thing he remembers is his plane crashing after an encounter with Afghan militants. How did he get here?
2 The Matrix
What if everything we see is just a simulation? What if it’s not real? How can you differentiate what’s real from what’s not? This movie will answers all these questions. Just stay forward!
3 The Machinist
With a protagonist struggling to deal with his flawed perception of reality, The Machinist has a surprisingly similar themes to Inception. The main actor’s character is suffering from insomnia, which is causing him to behave strangely. His quirks scare his friends and co-workers away.
4 Triangle
The story revolves around a group of people traveling at sea. Struck by mysterious weather, they decide to jump on another ship, only to make matters worse.
5 The Thirteenth Floor
A simulation has been set in 1937 by a genius programmer. Soon after creating it, though, he is killed and all his secrets are buried with him. All that's left is a message that will decide the fate of everyone else living in that world.
6 Timecrimes
A man accidentally travels back in time an hour or so. He finds his past self moving toward a series of disastrous events with unforeseen consequences.
7 Sleep Dealer
Sleep Dealer is an interesting view of a future where immigration and globalization have become huge issues. People are divided, and government organizations are leveraging citizens' confusion to control them.
8 Momento
The movie will keep you guessing until the end where the final twist reveals everything, leaving you in a state of shock. You’ll never see it coming! It’s an experience you don’t often come across in movies.
9 The Others
Tt's a traditional horror for more than three quarters of this movie, the twist in the end is pretty unique and takes some time to sink in. You will be thinking about it for a long time.
10 Shutter Island
Shutter Island is one of the best psychological thrillers to come out in decades. It messes with your mind and leaves you guessing for a long time after the credits roll. You’ll feel like you are in the driver’s seat for the most part as the protagonist investigates to find out more about an escaped convict, but the ending will compel you to question if the antagonists are protagonists and vice versa. You’ll be dizzy!

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