Monday, May 25, 2020

The movie That has the most unpredictable ending

The movie That has the most unpredictable ending

If a movie has a usual ending, people will rate it low. Trust me! I’m sick of watching boring, predictable movies that’s why I keep looking to those movies with such powerful twist ending that make you question what’s real and what’s not.
1.The Usual Suspects
Twist: The detectives realize moments after Verbal walks free that his story was completely made up and he’s Keyser Soze.
2.Fight Club
Twist: A depressed insomniac meets a volatile soap salesman named Tyler Durden, and the two men start an underground club where men bored of their mundane working lives can physically fight each other. It turns out that Tyler Durden and the unnamed man are the same person that have dissociated personalities.
3.Gone Girl
Twist: The twist come into halfway through the film, instead at the end. The truth is Amy framed Nick and change her appearance then disappeared into hiding.
Twist: When Cobb returns home to find his father and children, he puts the totem which reveals if he is awake or asleep on the table. It keeps spinning, and it's possible that Cobb is still in a dream world.
Twist: Marion Crane steals money from her employer and escapes to a motel owned by Norman Bates. Actually Norman Bates killed his mother years ago and then developed a split personality that makes him believe that he is his mother.
6.Planet of the Apes
Twist: 3 scientists launched into space and frozen in cryogenic fluid. They wake up and found that they has landed on a mysterious planet. When one lone scientist finally escapes the clutches of the primates and makes his way into the wilderness, he finds a sunken Statue of Liberty. He's on Earth.
Twist: David Mills and William Somerset join together and try to catch a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins in his murders. The killer lures the detectives into the desert and has murdered David Mill’s wife, and forces him to kill him as the last deadly sin, wrath.
8. Donnie Darko
Twist: A teen start to see an enormous villainous rabbit after a plane crashes into his bedroom. The rabbit teaches Gyllenhaal the secrets of the universe and gives him the power to alter time. The truth is when the apocalypse is about to befall suburban America and Donnie travels back in time and dies in the plane crash in his room.
9.The Village
Twist: Did that just say 19th century? When one resident, Ivy Walker, tries to wander into the woods to seek medicine for her husband it is revealed to be the present day. Covington was founded by a group trying to escape the suffering of the modern world, and they use the myth of monsters to keep the villagers from leaving.
10.The Others
Twist: Nicole Kidman suspect that her house is haunted and it turns out there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation. Nicole and her kid are the ghosts.

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