Wednesday, May 27, 2020

STALKER One Of The best Sci-Fi film

The best Sci-Fi film of all time is Andrei Tarkovsky’s STALKER.
The film that nearly killed it’s director.
The film that is every filmmaker’s dream to make a film like this.
There are three men in the film who travel through a mysterious and forbidden territory in the Russian wilderness called the "Zone."
What is happiness? What is the meaning of life? What is the Zone? And what exactly is reality? These questions and many more you will find yourselves asking as you enter the Zone, a place with a Room where all wishes come true. Don't expect too many answers, but try to enjoy the journey, even amidst the decay and ruin of both man and machine.
I watched this film for the first time last year, and I feel the need to see it again. Possibly multiple times.
Stalker left me with a seriously peculiar feeling, one of the strangest I've ever felt watching a film. One where I thought I was almost losing my grip on reality and questioning what makes a human? What is existence?
Stalker is like one of those films that was created as an experience, and not a film.
It is slow, poetic, philosophical.
It actually uses sci-fi as a background for profound human questions.

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