Friday, May 29, 2020

The Most Dangerous Superhero

The Flash : The Most Dangerous Superhero

The Flash ... 
False. A man with super speed might sound easy enough to beat ... But, actually? If Flash pushes himself to the peak of potential, he can destroy the world.
For one thing, Flash can move so fast that time almost stops. According to him, he could see events that lasted "less than a second" (Superman Grounded).
However, it does not stop there. Flash can also steal speed from enemies, making them frozen in space (JLA 2006 # 23).

In addition, it can accelerate the speed of light and punch someone - basically punching them with "unlimited mass" (JLA Vol. 1).

In fact, "unlimited mass blows" are not even his worst attacks. Flash can vibrate so fast that it will move the molecular structure of whatever it phases in stages. Better said: he can make someone separate, molecule by molecule, just by touching it (Flash 1987 # 101).

And this is just what I consider some of its more threatening strengths. Flash is also shown using its power to create whirlwinds, throw electricity, phase through objects, build entire structures in a second ... The list is endless.
If Flash really wants to destroy someone? Nothing can stop it.
Bad because of all this? I haven't even mentioned Flash's most dangerous ability: time travel. During Flashpoint, after traveling back in time, Flash ends reset Earth 0, and triggers a chain reaction that rearranges the entire DC Multiverse.
This is not an isolated achievement, either - there are many other examples of flash mucking time too (like First Year Flash).
Flash can't just rip someone by molecule by molecule ... He can erase it from time completely, as if it never existed.
When people talk about the most dangerous superheroes, they like to talk about people like Thor or Superman. However, Flash can do things that will make them stretch.
The only reason Flash didn't crack in the midst of all the tragedies he experienced, and used his strength to completely destroy his enemies? Deep down, he has a big heart. He cares about the people he protects, and the lives he leads. He will not exchange it for the world.

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