Monday, May 25, 2020

The most unrealistic scene from Titanic

The most unrealistic scene from Titanic 

Many parts of the film might cause viewers to suspend reality. But honestly, I recently had a big “oh my goodness” realization when considering some of the film’s events.
Remember when Jack and Rose go back to warn Cal, Rose’s mother, and the others about the iceberg. On the way, Cal’s security man slips the diamond into Jack’s pocket. The security team just happens to find it. And of course, Jack is escorted away yelling “don’t you believe it, Rose, don’t you believe it.”
Later, Rose has given up her chance for a comfy seat on the lifeboat to go and find Jack below deck. She finds him just in time, cuffed to the ship pipes. This was all brought on by a few moments of clarity with her mother and Cal when she saw how easily they dismissed the unimaginable tragedy of the ship’s sinking and Cal’s comment that he “should have saved the picture.”

Uh, that’s a sweet line and all. I understand she was maybe not in touch with her own real self when she got back around her family, and they were pretty controlling. But there’s just something off about Rose’s last line!! If viewers remember back to the scene where they found the diamond on Jack, she clearly had a moment of doubt or shock or something. This was understandable because Jack had stolen the coat they slipped the necklace into.
It’s a small thing, yes. But it seems to be a real break in character development. Rose isn’t a clairvoyant psychic who can read Jack’s mind all along. She is human, all too easily disillusioned by Cal’s overbearing hold on her that she almost lets her new amazing soulmate go down with the ship.
I guess the line “I’m sorry, I made a huge mistake. But let me make it up to you by breaking you out here and rescuing you” wouldn’t have been as romantic. Would have been more genuine and realistic.
P.S. Thank you for all of the great thoughts, critiques, and insights to my answer. I do want to note I never meant to question the real bond and true love between Jack and Rose. I just meant to critique the unrealistic dialogue of this scene. Her actions spoke louder than her words as she did risk her life to go below deck and save her knight in shining armor. Thank you again for all the great feedback!!

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